Model TO152
Bandwidth 150MHz 150MHz
Risetime <=2.3ns <=2.3ns
Real time
sampling rate
1GSa/s 2GSa/s
Memory depth 18Mpts 90Mpts
Waveform capture rate 250,000wfm/s 500,000wfm/s
Channels 2/4
Display screen 10.1″TFT LED Multi point touchalble capacitive screen,Resolution:1024*600
Operation Mouse,Multi-touch:tap,swipe,pinch
Time base range 2ns/div to 1000s/div for TO***model, 1ns/div to 1000s/div for TO***A model
Vertical resolution 8bit
Vertical Scale 2mV/div to 5V/div
Triggger types Edge,Pulse,Logic
Automatic measurements Period, Frequency, Risetime, Falltime, Delay, PDC,
Amp., Height, Low, Max, Min, RMS, CRMS, Mean, CMean
Math operation +,-,*,/,FFT
FFT window function Rectangular, Hamming, Hanning, Blackman
I/o port USB Host, USB Device
Built-in storage 4G
Dimensions and weight 275mm*210mm*60mm,1770g

Standard Accessories

Item Description
USB Cable Connect scope with PC
Probe Standard passive, bandwidth and quantity
depend on model
Power adapter For charging
USB calibration connect board Probe compensation
Documents Product Quick Guide, Safety Information,
Packing List, Calibration Certificate, Quick Start